Country | Türkiye |
Region | Ankara |
Company address | İşçi Blokları Mah. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu cad. No:61 A Blok Balgat Ankara/Türkiye |
Phone | 03122205180 |
Mob. phone | 03122205180 |
www | | | |
ITN/TIN | 0000000018 |
PSRN | 72871 |
Bank | - |
Bank adress | - |
Phone | - |
IBAN EUR | - |
IBAN USD | - |
SWIFT | - |
Rating: |
Establishment year | 1988 |
Company type | Manufacturer |
Company range | - |
Own production | Yes |
The ability to produce the branches of individual models | Unknown |
Categories |
Food products
Juices and nectars
Minimum order amount | - |
Working conditions with refunds | - |
Shipment conditions | - |
Payment conditions | - |
Payment methods | - |
Minimum time of shipment from availability (pickup) | - |
Transport companies that the company works with | - |
Minimum delivery time to the MP | - |
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